
Learn smart… Work smart… Forever !
ZOX Pro Training has over 35 years of experience in helping people, just like you, improve their life. It’s been independently tested and used by people around the world. It works! Good decision makers are informed, and provide solutions quickly. To change and improve in today’s world you need volumes of quality information. ZOXing gets you the Best Information – FAST .

Professionals & Executives
Benefits: Decision making, productivity, photographic memory, time management, communication skills, positive mental attitude, motivational, + more

Benefits: Productivity, attention to detail, insight, problem solving, photographic memory, concentration, focus, accelerated learning, + more

Firefighters, Police, Military, Doctors, Problem Solvers
Benefits: Problem solving, decision making, awareness, intuition, focus, photographic memory, positive mental attitude, + more.

Benefits: Problem solving, decision making, intuition, awareness, focus, accelerated learning, photographic memory, eidetic memory, communication skills, + more.

Benefits: Accelerated learning, photographic memory, eidetic memory, problem solving, decision making, intuition, awareness, focus, communication skills, time management, + more.
Since its launch in 1975, ZOX Pro Training has shown thousands of people around the world how to unlock the powers of their photographic memory. Many independent tests have been successfully completed on ZOX Pro Training and its’ parent training ZOXing is faster than speed reading. ZOX Pro Training helps you to upload over 25,000 words a minute, with 90-100% retention for life! Years of research and development, plus numerous self-funded University studies continually see ZOX Pro Training pass with flying colors. How can ZOX Pro Training make your life easier?
ZOX Pro Training Benefits
Improve your life in more ways than you imagined!
- Enjoy renewed health and wellness of your mind and body, simply by telling your mind to do it for you. Whenever you feel stress, your body is under siege. Decrease stress = increased health and disease fighting ability.
- Achieve maximum concentration – reduce distraction, improve your time management!
- Enhance your peripheral vision and eyesight. ZOXing has an exercise that help you to see more. Martial artists, sports people, policeman, firefighters, military and many other industry professionals work better with enhanced peripheral vision. ZOXing enables you to feel and be aware of everyone and everything around you. It’s like you can see 360 degrees.
- ZOXing gives you self-empowerment. You’ll build confidence because you’ll know the answers to more questions and work smarter.
- Reduce the amount of sleep you need. A more relaxed and deeper sleep means you wake up feeling better each day.
- Improve your self-esteem. Increasing information helps you increase your abilities at home and work. This leads to increased knowledge, recall and self-confidence.
- Be happier!

Discover how ZOXing help you improve your Life.
This video features on the #1 Self Improvement website on the Internet – and has over 2 Million hits per month.
Our brains are unlimited – they never fill up. Add some more knowledge by watching this clip on ZOX Pro and see how you can gain access into the power of your mind.
Exercise your brain – everything you do becomes easier
With Mental Photography – you are in control. With Mental Photography 100% of the information you upload to your brain stays with you – for the rest of your life.

Richard Welch, PhD explains MENTAL PHOTOGRAPHY ( ZOXing ):
What ZOX Pro Training Did For Them:
Adam S.
“This course has taught me how to use an untapped part of my brain, the subconscious. My memory has become amazing, I can recall all of my subconscious memories, entire conversations I has 17 years ago, word for word. The way I perceive the world has been enhanced… By using Mental Photography (ZOXing) I assimilate an entire days worth of material in a fraction of the time, giving me much time for me…”
Adam S. [Small Town, USA ]
Will Baker
I’ll recommend the training for every living thing I see from now on.
Thanks Again for Everything!”Will Baker [College Student]
Edgar Mitchell
“I used to be the same as everyone else, now I excel at everything I do.”
Bryan K
“I decided to implement the ZOX Pro Training system… what I found is way beyond even what I was searching for.”
I have always struggled with ADHD, my inability to remember what I read, and my learning ability in general. Things have never come easily. After spending more than a thousand dollars on various speed reading, learning, and memory enhancement styles, I still was not able to really improve any of my ability to learn things. It was still the same old problem.
Then I happened across ZOX Pro Training, and their outlandish claims. Trust me my skepticism was very high. How could anyone remember anything they didn’t read? But having tried speed reading the concept wasn’t too far fetched. So I took my last gamble and decided to implement the ZOX Pro Training system.
What I found is way beyond even what I was searching for.I could not describe the sensations at first, nor did I understand what I was looking for but I was seeing a dramatic improvement in my ability to remember subjects. The best part for me is I am able to remember my dreams the more I use this system. Its an interesting byproduct of Brain Management.
Recently, something extraordinary assimilated for me. My dreams unfurled some interesting math concepts I was previously unaware of called Non-Euclidean math. I’ve been pretty good at solving equations. But only recently Ive been great at solving two particular types of algebraic equation such as quadratic and cubic equations.
Even though I was taught ways to solve the problems, my insights led me to solve them in ways I had not been taught. A tutor explained to me I was using a math rule that has only recently being fully understood. This quantum leap in my availability to information is amazing. It has really opened my eyes to the possibilities the ZOX Pro Training system can provide.
Each day I feel invigorated to learn more and find ways to implement this into my life. Although not being an expert at recall as of yet I feel confident in my abilities to remember entire paragraphs after a few sessions of ZOXing. I could never imagine going back to learning the traditional way. My proven solution to the problems that traditional learning has caused for me is ZOX Pro Training!
I had put forth a lot of time, money, and effort into methods that just didn’t pan out. But the gains I have made, and continue to make, with ZOX Pro Training are astounding to me. They range from the subtle to the grandiose. I have discovered something of great value here. I am no longer skeptical. Everyone should learn to ZOX.
Bryan K [Lecturer]
Tracy Darsana
“…I have found happiness and fulfillment by just allowing things to just be, rather than stressing to achieve.”
Hi Shannon,I just want to let you know how valuable the ZOX Training system is to me. My abilities with the Law of Attraction have gone through the roof! Let me explain…
I have found that listening to the audio tapes last thing at night puts me into an extremely relaxed state for days on end. It seems the most extraordinary results are achieved in that relaxed state of awareness. Throughout this training, I have found ‘another way’.
I have found happiness and fulfillment by just allowing things to just be, rather than stressing to achieve.
Energetically I have faster response to my needs, be it more family time and fun time or be it more work or instant sales = more income.
Recall has improved dramatically. Presently I lead a full working life, in retail, as a remedial therapist, as a creative author / artist, and I also work in finance where policies change almost daily. So there is much research I must do. From the Mental Photography, I have so tuned up my mental abilities that I always just seem to know. I am finding it more and more inconvenient to look things up when I already know the answers. My memory has sharpened. I am very suddenly, due to the ZOX training, changing an age old habit of re-referencing.
My daughter, Sofia, did the full seminar when she was 13 years old.
She learnt her lessons well, in that she has a remarkable talent for realizing the lifestyle she thinks she deserves. She is now 22 yrs old, beautiful and has an amazing nature. She thrives with her beautiful husband and 2 beautiful children ( the 2 year old is learning to ZOX !! ) Sofia is very successful in business; she has an outstanding reputation for sales. Together they have bought real estate, they travel, live well, live clearly, and have loads of fun!
This program is contagious, because actually the whole family is very good at realizing their dreams and having fun!Kind regards,Tracey Darsana
PS: I have 3 children, 3 grandchildren, all thriving. We’ve just spent the last 5 years surfing up and down the coast of OZ (Australia) and Indonesia!I would have to say our lives are very comfortable and successful . . .!
Tracy Darsana [Teacher]
Daniel Harun
“This program offers so much…, it covers all areas of life.”
For something of this calibre to exist is amazing! But that is an understatement. This is more revolutionary than anything else in the world. You just have to open your eyes and see the world for what it is.
ZOX Pro Training has allowed me to truly view the world for what it is. If you give yourself this extremely beneficial life changing opportunity you won’t have any more regrets in your life. You’ll be happy, the people around you be happy, and even people you don’t know automatically connect with you. The main thing is happiness.
This program offers so much. It covers all areas of life. That may sound ridiculous, but it does. THINK ABOUT IT; if you can memorize ANYTHING you want with no problem what-so-ever and put it directly into your long term memory and have 100% retention for life, AS WELL as 350 other functions such as programming your subconscious mind to allow you to get what you want, mentally photograph at speeds over 1 million WPM, and a minimum speed of 25 000 WPM using your fingers, when the average “reading” speed is ONLY 250 WPM. You have all the time you need, AND MORE, to do anything you want to do.
That’s how my life is. You too can even use ZOX Pro to get straight A’s in school, not bad! And it’s not cheating, NO PILLS, NO ARTIFICIAL SUBSTANCES, NOTHING, just you and your mind. It’s a beautiful thing. Great things happen with ZOX Pro Training, the sky is no longer a limit, and you have no limits.
Now I have all the confidence in the world, and I’m that person whom if you speak with or sit with for a moment, I completely change your life. This has become a regular part of my life — it happens every day for me now.
Daniel Harun [Kitchene
Austin Eames
“I have been ZOXing now for 45 days. My ability to memorize music has substantially increased!”
I have ongoing passion with the theatre and music. I use the time that I am not required on stage to Mentally Photograph books using the techniques from the On-Line ZOX Pro Training (ZOXing).
I have been ZOXing now for 45 days. My ability to memorize music has substantially increased! I am very excited about my improvement and can’t wait for it to really spill over into every aspect of my life.
A HUGE new library is about to open up a few blocks away from my house so I’ll never be bored. I’ll let you know how it all goes.
Austin Eames [Musician/Actor/Student]
Mrs. Gonzales
Sergio Jerez
“I have been ZOXing now for 45 days. My ability to memorize music has substantially increased!”
I have ongoing passion with the theatre and music. I use the time that I am not required on stage to Mentally Photograph books using the techniques from the On-Line ZOX Pro Training (ZOXing).
I have been ZOXing now for 45 days. My ability to memorize music has substantially increased! I am very excited about my improvement and can’t wait for it to really spill over into every aspect of my life.
A HUGE new library is about to open up a few blocks away from my house so I’ll never be bored. I’ll let you know how it all goes.
Austin Eames [Musician/Actor/Student]
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